Why Feed the Birds in the Winter?

Why Feed the Birds in the Winter?

Spring is around the corner, but many people overlook the importance of feeding the birds during the cold months. Winter is a hard season, but many people think that wild birds manage just fine, no matter how nasty it is outside. After all, aren’t wild birds supposed to be out in the cold and snow? They are, but it’s not easy for them. A bird’s survival can be a struggle, but winter can be harsh, increasing the bird’s vulnerability. Their metabolism is fragile to the winter environment. Sufficient food is vital, but is it entirely up to them to survive each winter?

Many people tend to feed birds in the summer months, but providing birds with food, water and shelter can really help them during the winter and make your garden a haven for all wildlife to enjoy. Making sure they are properly fed gives them heat during cold periods and energy for the breeding season. Many birds have to spend a large portion of their waking hours eating because the days are short. Most people don’t realize the great disadvantage of feeding at this time of year. During the warm summer months, birds should be instinctively busy cleaning the air of trillions of insects, as well as eating seeds that bud in the weeds. The more the birds are distracted from their natural food sources, the greater the number of insects and the more fruit and weed seeds that will go to waste. If fed in summer, the birds may even ignore their natural food sources.

During the winter months, birds often struggle. The cold days are a lot to endure, and the long, cold nights pose greater harm and stress. The natural summer and fall food supply has either been eaten or has died or frozen. Also, insects have passed on a new generation of larvae inactive until spring. Foraging can be especially hard for birds during days of extremely cold temperatures. It may not be as much fun for the person doing the bird feeding in the winter when the temperatures become harsh, but it is well worth it. The birds will almost instantly show their appreciation by flocking to the feeders and putting on a show. Water is also still crucial to provide to birds in cold weather. In northern climates the bird baths often will stay frozen, but there are inexpensive bird bath heaters available for just that purpose.

The birds don’t care how basic or elaborate their feeders are, they only care what’s in them. Many birds that visit backyard feeding stations are seed eaters, and even insect eaters will begin eating more seeds to replenish their diets since insects are harder to find. By far, the best seed to feed the largest variety of birds is the black-oil sunflower seed. If only one bird seed could be purchased, this is the one to buy. These are less expensive than the grayish color sunflower seeds for people, but they also have a higher oil content making them a better choice for the birds. The extra oil in their diet helps them to combat the cold weather. This seed is a favorite of chickadees, titmice, cardinals, woodpeckers, finches, and many others.

If you live where winters are long and cold, you know what it feels like to be cooped up for days. Watching the different kinds of birds visiting your feeders can keep you entertained for hours. Nature Centers have big picture windows where people can watch birds eating. They’re popular attractions. You can put on your own show with your own feeders. Maybe you’ll even see a rare bird drop by for a visit. Also, many people feel that they’re doing their part to help nature when they put out bird feeders. In fact, sales of bird food often go up just before winter storms. No matter your reason for feeding birds, they certainly appreciate it. Enjoy their company and their songs whether it’s winter or spring. It’s so delightful to watch them and it can also relieve stress. So take time to feed your birds!

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