“I can’t believe how …


Who knew there was such responsibility with having a bird feeder? OK…It’s really not all that complicated. But you’ll find that with a feeder, not only birds, but all sorts of animals will find it. Any spillage from the feeder is what attracts them initially. Lets face it…your bird feeder spills because of the wind, birds, squirrels and even you when you’re refilling it. Bird seed on the ground attracts small animals like squirrels, mice, chipmunks and skunks. These animals cause damage to your property and just be annoying.


To eliminate mess when filling bird feeders, try the following:

Place only 1 type of seed in each bird feeder. This will eliminate birds that are seeking out a particular type of seed from your feeder. Many birds dig through to find what they want, tossing the rest on the ground for animals to eat.

BirdFeederAuthority.com suggests using a tray under your Bird Feeder

Using a tray to catch the seed or purchasing a squirrel baffle from BirdFeederAuthority.com will deter those pesky critters!

Last, but not least…Don’t fill your Bird Feeder outside

For obvious reasons, filling your bird feeder outside usually makes a mess, which, in turn, brings unwanted “guests”. If you train yourself to follow these simple suggestions, you will quickly train the local foragers the look for their meals at your neighbors house!

Hello world!

Hi, My name is Karen Perko.

I run a website called BirdFeederAuthority.com where I sell a variety of birdfeeders, Hummingbird Feeders, Squirrel Proof Feeders, Birdbaths and Window Bird Feeders. Check it out!

I’m looking forward to sharing my passion for wild birds and my knowledge for wild birds in general!

I’d love for you to join me!