Take a window seat and enjoy nature at it’s best!

Take a window seat and enjoy nature at it's best!

The fox squirrel is one of four squirrel species in Ohio; gray, red, and flying squirrels are the other three. Of the four, the fox squirrel is the largest. Fox squirrels were not originally inhabitants of Ohio. The extensive, heavily wooded forest of pre-settlement Ohio was not their preferred habitat. Only when settlement cleared some of the dense woods away and provided open areas and fewer dense woodlots did the fox squirrel start to make Ohio home, moving into the area from the geographical Midwest prairie edge.

Although they’re pesky creatures, they sure are cute…and fun to watch bounding through the yard! We perch these feeders far enough away from our bird feeders. This keeps the squirrels occupied and soon, they forget to raid the birdseed.

Check these feeders out today! Free shipping in March at http://www.birdfeederauthority.com/Home.html